Love phrases for my first boyfriend: beautiful mixed feelings

Have you fallen in love for the first time? It is a unique and special feeling that you will always harbor in your heart. The first boyfriend is usually something really extraordinary, because sensations and feelings converge that you have never experienced before. Those kisses that are cooked by mixing nervousness, curiosity, emotion and passion are unique and unrepeatable, so if your first love is a beautiful and healthy romance, enjoy it as much as you can. It is often said that the first boyfriend is not usually the only one —although sometimes yes, you never know— but be that as it may, the important thing is that both can experience those deep feelings of love, the afternoons of laughter, the spontaneous caresses and kisses shared at all hours. It’s the most beautiful, right?

Well, to celebrate those beautiful mixed feelings, we offer you some love phrases for your first boyfriend. Aim and dedicate them!

Send love messages to your first boyfriend: how to do it?

  1. One of the most beautiful aspects of first love is that couples often want to show their love constantly. Handmade gifts, cards, photos, What Sapp messages… However, sometimes inexperience and lack of self-confidence can make us not dare to do so. Don’t worry, love is free and if you feel like it, why not send a nice message to your boyfriend? If you have doubts, think about who doesn’t like to be told nice things? You love it when your boyfriend shows you that kind of love, so he sure does too. And if you still haven’t dared to send these kinds of messages, you can always be the one to take the first step and take the relationship one level further, the level where feelings are shown with total freedom.
  2. If what you are afraid of is that when you send him a love message that boy will reject you, then perhaps the courtship you are experiencing is not as healthy as it should be. You should know that when someone is in love, he adores and appreciates these kinds of manifestations, because with them he feels loved and valued. Therefore, do not be afraid to show your love and if he rejects you, then that person is not worth it to you.
  3. In short, if you want to send a love message to your first boyfriend, do it! Don’t be shy and fully enjoy all the wonderful feelings of first love.

Phrases and messages for a first love

We want to show you some examples of loving messages with which to surprise your first partner, with the idea that you can be inspired or perhaps use them as is, it all depends on what you like to write. There are those who are more romantic and creative, but we are not always inspired to create a poetic phrase to make our boyfriend’s arms stand up with pure love. So, to help you, here are some beautiful love phrases for the first boyfriend.

1 I never thought I would find someone as fantastic as you. The feeling that I experience every day with you grows more every day. Hopefully it lasts forever. Thank you for loving me as much as I love you.

2 I had experienced many things before, but nothing like the love I feel for you. You are the love that I had always waited for, my friend and my boyfriend, my partner. I love you with all my soul.

3 I never imagined that love felt so good, because I have never fallen in love like I do with you. You are my first love, and the one who has made my dreams come true. Thank you for showing me that love exists and that it really is worth it.

4 Every time you caress me or kiss me you transport me to heaven, as if you were the angel I had always dreamed of. The love I feel for you is the deepest I have ever felt. I feel lucky to be your girlfriend. I love you!

5 Meeting you has been as if my world entered a whirlwind of positive emotions. I have endless feelings that I discover every day by your side. It seems as if I love you more every day. I feel like I will always love you.

6 When I’m not with you, I just have to close my eyes and remember your kisses and caresses, your words and your jokes, and then it’s like you’re by my side again. Because my love for you is so deep that I feel it just as intense when you are far away.

7 My life has changed so much since I met you! It seems that the flowers are more beautiful and the sky is bluer. Everything is more wonderful by your side. I love you madly and I want this deep love that I feel for you and that you feel for me to last forever.

8 Do you know that you are my alarm clock? Every morning I wake up with the illusion that it will be a great day because I will have a little while to see you and enjoy together. Because the best thing about this love that I feel for you is that we always have a good time. We make a great team, a love team.

9 I never imagined that first love would be an experience filled with so much happiness. I thank you for filling my life with so much joy. I love you with all my heart.

10 I am not afraid of what will happen next, because I know that I truly love you and what is authentic is always worth it. I want to live each moment together as if it were the only one and not think too much about the future. The present is what counts. I love you!

11 I had always heard stories of first love, but now I am living it with you and it is much better than I imagined. I don’t know if you feel the same way, but by your side I feel full, happy, listened to, valued… In short, wanted and loved. Thanks for giving me so much.

12 Since the first day we started dating, I’ve wanted to tell you how much I love you. Now I realize that you already know, just as I know that you love me, because when we are together it is as if the Universe stopped so that you and I can enjoy our love. I love you a lot.

13 I don’t know if you think the same, but I feel that we are meant for each other, because we make a unique and special couple. Every day I love you more and I feel very happy to have found you. You are my complement. I love you!

14 You are my first love, my first kiss, my first caress, the first for which my heart beats hard every time I see you… I have never felt like this, sometimes it scares me, but I know that it is the feeling that I feel the most. Happiness has brought me in life. You are my first boyfriend, my first great love.

15 Thank you for your details, for being a wonderful boyfriend, for always being by my side and loving me just the way I am. I feel so happy by your side that I don’t want the days we are together to ever end. I love you with my heart.

16 I never thought that true love would be like this, just as I feel for you. So deep, so intense, so beautiful and wonderful. Being by your side is a blessing. I love you, you are my first boyfriend and I hope we will be together forever.

17 The beats of my heart have multiplied since we were together, because now they are happier, they are more excited and they are completely in love. You are my first boyfriend and the love of my life.

18 I am very happy to have you as a boyfriend, you are my first love, I still do not understand all the feelings I have, but every day I am more convinced that what I feel for you is true love.

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