Phrases of love from a woman to another woman

Do you want to conquer that woman who has stolen your heart? There is an infallible method that can melt anyone: a sincere and deep love phrase. Running out of ideas? This article, to the rescue. We have selected the most romantic messages for you so that you can send them by What Sapp, paste them on your Facebook wall, publish them as a story on Integra or even, if you dare and leave your shyness aside, tell them face to face.

The 8 best love phrases from a woman to another woman 

  • 11 out of 10 times I think of you, smile. The other, I die of love.
  • When God invented beauty, he was inspired by you.
  • I hate to admit it, but it hurts to miss you.
  • If there were a thousand lives, you would be in all of them because I would worry about looking for you in each one of them.
  • I don’t know if I love you or love you. Can you help me find out?
  • Today I have a mission: to kidnap you and keep you in my dreams.
  • To be happy, I don’t ask for much, just live 100 years to enjoy them with you by my side.
  •  I would like to be a chessboard to have a queen like you.”

Hot messages from one woman to another

And for those couple moments in which you have to raise the temperature and warm up the atmosphere a bit, we have five phrases that will come in handy.

  • I have a dirty mind, and you are in it.
  • My heart has been lost in your blouse, will you let me look for it?
  • My desire for you does not go away, they accumulate at every moment: while I have breakfast, while I take a shower, while I fall asleep…
  • Are you awake or do you need a passionate kiss to open your eyes?
  • Make me cry, but for happiness; kill me, but tickle; suffocate me, but with hugs; wake me up, but with a message from you and shut me up, but with kisses.

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