The 10 most beautiful love phrases ever written

Many times it is impossible to express love with words. It is more than difficult to translate into words what it feels like in this state of intoxication. It may seem really corny or a cliché, but those who have actually been or are still in love know that it is true.

Afraid of appearing romantic, many times we do not dare to say beautiful phrases. Luckily, others have dared. We collect here the 10 best love phrases ever written. 

Top 10 of the most beautiful love phrases

1 “A kiss? An enchanted trick to stop talking when words become superfluous.”

This phrase of love was said by the Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman. There is no better way to end an awkward silence than with one of those kisses that stop the hands of any clock, right? With the simple touch of your lips with those of your partner, one of the most special connections that can arise between two people is established.

A kiss is more than a show of affection; it is the opportunity to inhale the breath of your beloved, to smell with the intoxicating aroma of his tongue, to order and disrupt your life again in a second…

2 “The worst way to miss someone is to sit next to them and know you can never have them”

Heartbreak is the worst of suffering, both mental and physical. The Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez transmits in this sentence one of the greatest loving pains that can be experienced: loving without being reciprocated.

All of us, at some point in our lives, have fallen in love with someone who did not share our love, and we have all survived. However, when the feeling is true, we live in illusions that always end up frustrating. Love cannot be rationalized, no matter how hard we try.

3 “Come sleep with me: we won’t make love, he will make us”

The rubbing of your skin with that of your loved one is an incomparable sensation. When two bodies love each other, they know how to find and love each other alone, as this love phrase by Julio Cortázar says. Love instinctively guides lovers, who use desire as the main compass on their way.

The union in bed is one of the keys for a couple to work. Two who love each other need the privacy of a bedroom to get to know each other in every way. Will you also let love make you?

4 “In love there is always some madness, but in madness there is also always some reason”

As this phrase from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche says, in love there is very little rationality. The true feeling clouds the mind and drives us completely crazy. What before seemed crazy to you, has now become the most logical thing to do? You are no longer guided by your head, but by your heart whose rudder does not always work correctly. And, as a consequence, you get to do things that you later feel ashamed of and regret.

We are completely sane in love.

5 “Love me without questions, and I will love you without answers”

Unconditional love exists and knows no limits. This anonymous phrase shows that feelings do not understand reasoning or issues, but it is better to let them flow. Love knows how to write its own path, without the need for us to mark it. Dedicate this phrase to your partner and you will get straight to his heart.

6 “We learn to love not when we find the perfect person, but when we come to see an imperfect person perfectly”

It is taken for granted that instinctively we are going to know how to live and love, but these are two tasks that must be learned along the way. This beautiful phrase is from the German writer and philosopher Sam Keen.

When you are truly in love, you are able to get over your partner’s flaws. You know that he has them, but his beautiful virtues have more weight than any impediment to yours.

7 “In a kiss, you’ll know everything I kept silence”

Let’s stop talking so much about love and live it to its ultimate consequences. This verse by the poet Pablo Neruda is known worldwide for the subtle way in which he speaks of found love.

When finally, after all the sleeplessness and suffering, love begins to be reciprocated, the heart smiles. There is no greater joy than fulfilling our wishes, especially when they are related to love.

8 “The soul that can speak with the eyes, can also kiss with the look”

The Spanish poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer is the author of this beautiful phrase of love that talks about the connection between two people who love each other. Lovers not only connect physically, but their union is also mental.

Many times, looking into each other’s eyes is enough to understand and caress the loved one, support him in a moment of sadness, make him feel that you are by his side.

9 “Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all ills”

As the singer-songwriter and poet Leonard Cohen says in this sentence, there is no better medicine than love. The feeling and closeness of the loved one are infallible remedies for heart ailments.

And, although it is true that love often hurts, it is also capable of healing. Do you need some of this medicine?

10 “Thinking of my happiness, I remembered you”

There is no greater joy than seeing a true smile from the person you love. When love is deep, the feelings and sensations of the two lovers are mixed. If one is happy, the other will be too; when one is sad, the other can’t help but feel down too.

Why dedicate a phrase of love

There are many reasons to dedicate a beautiful phrase of love to the person you loveBut, if you are still not convinced (or the shame is greater than you), here are some good reasons to start dedicating romantic words to your partner.

  • You will transmit your love. In a relationship, taking things for granted is not good. It is obvious that you love your partner, otherwise you would not be with her, but it never hurts to remind her over and over again. Send him all your love with those romantic phrases.
  • It will help you break the routine. Sometimes we are so involved in the day to day that it is inevitable to fall into a routine lifestyle with your partner. If it is not remedied in time, boredom will wear down the couple. To avoid this, you need to dedicate some special details to your partner. A good surprise can be dedicating one of these beautiful love phrases.
  • You will make your partner smile. There is no more effective remedy to make that special person smile than to tell them how much you love them. Using one of these love phrases you will do it in a more original way.
  • To thank you. Surely you have a lot to thank your partner for: their patience, their support, their kisses, their love… These love phrases are the best way to thank them for everything they do for you every day.
  • To make you feel like the most special person. Surely for you, your partner is one of the most special people in your life. But it is necessary to let him know from time to time with a beautiful love phrase.

But what do I do with these love phrases?  

What is the phrase of love with which your partner identifies the most? Once you have chosen it, you must send it to your partner. But how? Here are some ideas for you to surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with these romantic words.

Leave him a note in a drawer

On a small piece of paper, write the sentence with a small heart. Take advantage when you are away from home to hide it in one of the drawers that your partner usually opens: in the one with underwear, in the one with cutlery, in the one with hairbrushes… You may not see it that same day, but when he discovers it, he will be excited.

Send it in a message

When you know that he has a difficult day, send him a message on his mobile with one of these beautiful love phrases. Surely you manage to make him smile and release a little of the tension of everyday life when he reads your words of love. Accompany them with a heart emoji.

A sticky note on the mirror

Write the phrase that you like the most on a sticky note. Pin it to your bathroom mirror so it’s one of the first things you see in the morning. If you want to complete your design, take a red lipstick that you have at home and that you don’t use too often, and draw some hearts around it. If you know that he is going to enter the bathroom right after you, you can write it with your finger in the mist of the mirror. You can also put it next to the breakfast cup.

Put it in the food bag

When he doesn’t realize it, put a little piece of paper with the phrase of love in the food bag. If you don’t want him to be embarrassed in front of all his coworkers, write it down on a discreet piece of paper, so no one else will see it. I’m sure you’ll be very excited to discover it.

Inside a cake

Put a piece of paper with the phrase written inside a small plastic box, like the one for the chocolate egg toys. Next, prepare her favorite cake with your own hands. Before putting it in the oven, introduce your little surprise into the dough so that it stays inside. The day he eats the piece of cake with your gift, he will fall in love with you a little more.

In your favorite wine

Surely your partner has a favorite wine or beer. Buy him a bottle of his favorite drink and remove the label. Next, design one yourself that includes that beautiful phrase of love with which you want to surprise him. You will hit for sure!

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